J.Salik to share his greetings of Palm Sunday

ISLAMABAD, Mar 24 (APP):Convener World Minorities Alliance, Human Rights Activist, Nominee for Nobel Peace Prize, and Former Federal Minister of Pakistan Mr J Salik share his good  wishes on the day of  Palm  Sunday.
In his message here on this  Sunday  he said that  Palm Sunday, also referred to as Passion Sunday, holds significant importance of peace  in the Christian calendar as it marks the commencement of Holy Week.
He further added that the most sacred period for Christian communities worldwide Observed on the Sunday before Easter Sunday, Palm Sunday’s date varies annually, contingent upon the date of Easter.
Palm Sunday, also referred to as Passion Sunday, holds significant importance in the Christian calendar as it marks the commencement of Holy Week,he added. He pray for the happiness of all Christian community on the festival of Palm Sunday.”