Pakistan’s embassy in UAE launch book on Pakistan’s nuclear deterrence

ABU DHABI, Mar 1 (APP):Pakistan embassy to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) organized an event on Friday to launch a book “The Security Imperative – Pakistan’s Nuclear Deterrence and Diplomacy”, authored by Ambassador Zamir Akram, Pakistan’s former Permanent Representative to United Nations in Geneva and Conference on Disarmament.
Ambassador Akram is an illustrious diplomat and has served at various multilateral and bilateral diplomatic assignments during his career spanning over more than three decades.
The representatives of diplomatic corps, academia and think tanks attended the event. Speaking at the event, Pakistan’s ambassador to the UAE, Ambassador Faisal Niaz Tirmizi appreciated book’s contribution in highlighting Pakistan’s security imperatives in the context of South Asia’s strategic stability and need to maintain a credible minimum deterrence. Ambassador Zamir Akram underscored that Pakistan’s pursuit for nuclear deterrence stemmed from urgent security concerns rather than aspirations for prestige or great power status.
He emphasized that the book offered an insider’s perspective on how Pakistan’s diplomatic finesse facilitated the development of its nuclear deterrent capability. The event concluded with question-and-answer session.