Dermatologist urges applying organic stuff on scalp to prevent hair loss

ISLAMABAD, Nov 29 (APP): Dr Syed Ghulam Abbas, an aesthetic dermatologist, Wednesday stressed the need to use essential oils and organic stuff on the scalp to avoid hair loss in the initial stages.

“Applying coconut oil to the scalp could strengthen hair and avoid damage. Similarly, for some people, dietary changes can help reduce or prevent hair loss,” he told PTV.

Abbas, in an interview, said, “Oiling should not be done more than twice a week with a gentle massage on your scalp to make sure that blood circulation is not compromised.”

In previous years, he said, “Baldness started in the late 30s and mid-40s, but now people in their 20s are facing the issue due to bad dietary habits like consuming junk food and using steroids. It can also be a genetic factor, mental stress, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, and high testosterone level in males, exposing hair to chemicals, or a polluted environment.”

“You have to protect your hairs from chemicals; don’t expose your hairs to the chemicals that arouse the superficial layer of the hairs and develop itchiness and irritation in the scalp,” he emphasized.

Explaining about the negative effects of using chemicals on hairs, he said, “The reality is, the more often you color your hair, the greater the potential for hair shedding.”

“Hair dye does not stop or even slow down hair growth, but it can cause hair loss by damaging the color-treated hair. The chemicals in hair dye can cause some of the damage,” he explained.

Similarly, the dermatologist said, “Some pregnant women also face hair loss after childbirth due to hormonal changes. The second thing that contributed to hair loss among such women in our society was the excess use of carbohydrates in the diet during pregnancy, which eventually led to hair fall and weight gain.”

“People facing third- to fourth-degree baldness can be good candidates for a hair transplant. There are many medical methods to treat hair loss; however, the most popular one is camouflage with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP),” he recommended.

He said, “In PRP procedure the doctors recommend five to six sessions once a month with some medications like vitamin E, B12, and biotin that prevent hair fall. The plasma is injected into the scalp through micro needling after puncturing the skin, which stimulates hair growth.”

Abbas dispelled, “The myths about hair transplant surgery that it can cause cancer, numbness, swelling, and other side effects on the skin.”

“In Pakistan, we have the best surgeons, highly qualified, who have performed surgeries abroad after meeting international standards.”

He warned that individuals facing health issues and chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure, and hepatitis should avoid this procedure due to complications that may occur after the operation.

He stated that a hair transplant was a cosmetic procedure, and people should choose their doctor wisely after going through his previous medical history, certification, health, and hygiene practices at the clinic before undergoing any treatment regarding their hair.