KPK, Japan & UNDP launches policing plans for merged areas

ISLAMABAD, Jul 21 (APP): Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Police, government of Japan, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Thursday launched the policing plans for the merged areas of the province.

The first ever policing plans were introduced for seven districts of merged areas that included Bajaur, Mohmand, Khyber, Orakzai, North Waziristan, South Waziristan, and Kurram.

The plans provide a road map for the smooth transition of the post–merger local policing system to the formal policing and justice system in the merged areas, a news release said.

The plans also present a context-specific framework to deliver people-centred policing services through collaborative partnerships with local communities and other agencies of the criminal justice system.

Furthermore, the plans also propose recommendations to federal, provincial, and district-level decision makers in addressing resource and capacity gaps.

The launch event highlighted the importance of joint efforts between KP Police and development partner to foster a people-cent policing system in the merged areas.

The efforts were crucial to restoring public security services, rule of law, sustainable peace, and development in the region.

Speaking at the event Inspector General of Police KPK Moazzam Jah Ansari said, “I extend my sincere gratitude to my team in KP Police and UNDP for their exceptional work in developing the very first policing plans for the merged areas.”

He said the plans presented a necessary road map to guide the post-merger transition in policing and better service delivery to the people.

On behalf of the KP Police, he extended his thanks to UNDP for its technical advice and assistance, and the government of Japan for its generous funding.

Japanese Ambassador to Pakistan WADA Mitsuhiro thanked UNDP and KP Police for their pioneering efforts to strengthen policing in the merged areas.

“Improving the local police service in merged areas is a key priority in ensuring a smooth transition to equitable public security and justice delivery in the post-merger districts.

Therefore, the development of the police plans is a crucial milestone in achieving this essential objective,” he maintained. UNDP Pakistan Resident Representative Knut Ostby said the policing plans would guide the trajectory for a better policing system that is responsive to the needs of local communities.

In addition to this, the infrastructure support to build new police stations and training former Levies and Khasadars who were recently integrated into KP Police will complement and add value to this crucial transition phase in the merged areas.

The initiative also includes infrastructure development support to build five new police stations in districts Bajaur, Mohmand, North Waziristan and Kurram, and train278 former Levies and Khasadars who were recently integrated into the KP Police.